2017年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2015.183
Sports and City: Integrative Development Strategy of Urban Green Space and Public Sports in Germany

何金廖 张修枫 陈剑峰

He Jinliao, Zhang Xiufeng, Chen Jianfeng


Keywords:Sport Cities; Germany; Green Space; Urban Planning





Germany has made great achievement in promoting modern sports, which can not only contribute to the improvement of citizens’ life-quality and image of the country, but also to more sustainable urban planning and urban governance. This article presents a case study from Germany on how city authorities incorporate the usage of urban open spaces, especially the green spaces, as the sport field in to an integrated urban strategy. To begin with, the relationship between sports and city is addressed with a sociological explanation. Industrialization on the one hand makes modern sports an issue more urbanized; urbanization on the other hand destructed social relationships between individuals who value sports as a way of self-expression and reconstruction. Thereafter, the paper traces the development path of public sports in Germany, especially the program named “Golden Plan”. Lastly, the paper discusses extensively the integrative development of urban green spaces and sports in Heidelberg.






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