2017年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.030
TOD 地区规划圈层结构划分的影响要素
Factors Affecting Circle Structure of TOD Concentric Models


Liu Quan


Keywords:Transit-oriented Development; Planning Pattern; Circle Structure


TOD 站点地区由于交通接驳和开发带动效应随着距离的增加而衰减,因而规划布局多呈现圈层结构的形式,但不同城市TOD 地区圈层划分的方法、结构、尺度、边界并不相同。影响TOD 圈层划分的主要要素包括步行尺度、用地功能、地价分布和级差强度等。本文通过相关研究及实践的对比分析,对TOD地区规划圈层边界及结构划分的方法进行总结,并提出规划建议。


The traffic connection capacity and the development driven effect will decay as distance increasing in TOD affected area, thus the planning layout of this area always forms circle structure and buffer zone pattern. However, in the practices of different cities, the method, structure, scale and boundary of TOD patterns are different. The main influence factors include walking distance, land use function, land value distribution and differential intensity. With the case studies, thispaper summarizes the methods of circle edge delimitation and layer subdivision, and gives planning suggestions.




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