2017年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.024
Legislation, Strategies and Methods for Planning and Building Controls of Householder Projects in Britain

周恺 张潇丹

Zhou Kai, Zhang Xiaodan


Keywords:Britain; Planning Management; Legislation; Development Control; House




Planning system in China has not provided an effective planning legislation for regulating building activities of householder projects. In urban areas, single-house (bie shu) owners sometimes wish to renovate, extend, adjust or rebuild their properties, which have become an issue for planning management since legislation for development control is not in position. While in rural areas, the (re)building of houses (zi jian fang) is usually emerging spontaneously and hardly-intervened, which causes the lack of management of public space, environment protection, traditional landscape and townscape. House is the major residential housing type in Britain, and British legislation for development control has set a good example for such issue with hundreds years’ experience. By introducing the evolution, strategies and methods for house development control in planning legislation of Britain, this paper hopes to provide reference for future legislation in China. We found the ‘coordination of planning and building controls’, ‘limited permit requirement’ and ‘third-party involvement’ in their system is worth noticing. And similar approach could also be applied to the planning management of the rebuilding or extension of individual house urban areas.

基金项目:湖南省省重点研发计划(2016SK2011),国家教育部博士点基金项目(20130161120047), 留学回国人员科研启动基金项目(20141685),中央高校基本业务费共同资助




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