2017年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.017
A Review on the Research of Natural Protected National Park

田美玲 方世明 冀秀娟

Tian Meiling, Fang Shiming, Ji Xiujuan


Keywords:National Park; Concept Definition; Set Up Standard; Development and Protection




National Park is an important way of protecting natural resources, also is an important place of providing human with natural recreation and popular science education. At present, the overseas research on National Park is relatively mature, but the domestic concept and standard of National Park is unclear, which seriously hindered the development and application of National Park mode in China. Therefore, the paper makes systematical review of concept definition, set up standard, development and protection of National Park. It is found that, domestic scholars have yet agree on the concept definition of National Park; the specific discussion of set up standard is less and more macroscopic; the contradiction between resource development and protection is more prominent, but it lacks a real strong operability solution. In the end, the paper makes a discussion combined with China’s national conditions. National Park of China should be the protected area dominated by the state. The aim of National Park is protecting the valuable natural resources and cultural heritage, and providing public science popularization education and cultural recreation within limits. The standard setting of National Park should use administrative power, and harmonize the relationship between all kinds of labels. In terms of development and protection, National Park pilot work should be carried out actively, it is necessary to classify protect resources and strengthen national financial support.




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