2017年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.047
An Overview of the Quantitative Analysis Methods in Urban Design

牛强 鄢金明 夏源

Niu Qiang, Yan Jinming, Xia Yuan


Keywords:Urban Design; Quantitative Analysis; Overview


城市设计中的定量分析方法相对匮乏,因为其研究对象往往可意会却难以精准描述。但定量分析对于深入认识城市设计对象、提高其科学性和可实施性具有重要作用,所以仍有大量学者致力于这方面的研究,近年来取得了越来越丰富的成果。为了促进该领域的研究,本文基于文献研究法,从视觉维度、认知维度、社会维度、功能维度、形态维度、时间维度等六个维度总结归纳了国内外城市设计定量分析的主要研究视角和最新研究成果,梳理出60 余种定量指标和40 余种常用方法;发现近年来城市设计定量研究发展迅速,研究内容更加全面,视角更加综合,方法更加多元。最后,结合目前的一些研究热点以及一些新的技术手段的引入,本文对城市设计定量分析的发展趋势进行了展望。


As the research objects of urban design are often imaginable but indescribable, the quantitative analysis methods in urban design are relatively scarce. But the quantitative analysis plays an important role in giving a good insight into the objects of urban design, improving its scientificity and practicability, so there are still a large number of scholars working in this area. In recent years, scholars have made more and more achievements in quantitative analysis of urban design. In order to promote the research in this field, based on the literature research method, this paper summarizes the main research perspectives and the latest domestic and international research results in urban design quantitative analysis from six dimensions: visual dimension, perceptual dimension, social dimension, functional dimension, morphological dimension, and temporal dimension, and sums up about 60 kinds of indices and 40 kinds of quantitative methods, which shows that the research content is becoming more comprehensive, perspective is becoming more diverse. Combining with the current research hot spots and the new technical means, this paper makes a prospect of the quantitative analysis in urban design.




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