2017年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.505
Development of Art Space and the Mechanism of Government Guidance in Berlin: A Case Study of ‘Spandauer Vorstadt’ in Mitte

梁志超 黄旭 薛德升

Liang Zhichao, Huang Xu, Xue Desheng


Keywords:Creative City; Art Space; Multi-level Governments; Guidance Strategy; Berlin




Along with post-industrialization and globalization, scholars pay increasing attention to the research on ‘Creative City’. Our case study of ‘Spandauer Vorstadt’ (an art hub in Berlin) traces the roles of multi-level governments in the formation of art space there, exploring related effective policies with respect to their ‘guidance strategies’. The development of art space can be divided into four stages, including ‘the cultivation of multicultural atmosphere’, ‘cluster forming’, ‘self-reinforcing of space’ and ‘mature art space’. Generally, a dichotomy has been identified – stringent regulation, or “let-it-be”. Addressing this divergence, multi-level governments in Berlin have adopted longterm stable policies in the framework of ‘guidance strategies’ to create flexible, feasible and favorable (3F) conditions for art space. In different stages, multi-level governments play distinctive roles but cooperate with each other to promote the process. Because of these, many achievements have been realized, such as the conservation of historic areas and the formulation of local social networks – as well as ‘building a global creative city’.




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