2018年第1期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.265
权力、资本与空间:历史街区改造背景下的城市消费空间生产 —— 以成都远洋太古里为例
Power, Capital and Space—Production of Urban Consumption Space Based on the Transformation of Historical Street Area: A Case Study of Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li in Chengdu

刘彬 陈忠暖

Liu Bin, Chen Zhongnuan


Keywords:Historical Block; Consumption Space; Production of Space; Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li




With the rise of consumerism and consumption culture, a variety of consumption spaces are expanding in cities, and making a historical block into a new type of consumption space has become an important means for the production of space in many metropolis. According to this background, this essay takes Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li in Chengdu as an example. Using the Neo-Marxism urban theory, a political economy approach is made to analyze the new consumption space transformed from historical block. It shows that in the production process of the new urban consumption space, the government disciplines the political space mainly through the use of administrative power, while the developers build and control the physical and economic space mainly by capital. In the end, the production of new urban consumption space is completed by the common action of administrative power and capital. Based on the above analysis, a critical reflection on the paradigm of production in this kind of space is made. In the process of creating and using the space, a few problems should be paid attention to, such as the superficializing of local culture, the exclusiveness of space, and the lack of public participation.





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