2018年第2期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.605
Discussion of Impact of China’s ‘Industrial Park Mode’ on Ethiopian Economic Development: A Collaborative-park Perspective

徐嘉勃 乔基姆· 迪特尔 王兴平

Xu Jiabo, Joachim Dieter, Wang Xingping


Keywords:Industrial Park; Industrial Policy; Industrial Park Planning; Investment Environment; Ethiopia




Inspired by rising labour cost in the wider world and the success of industrial parks in Asia, especially in China, more and more African countries began to review the important role of industrial parks in boosting the economic development of the whole country. Industrial parks, therefore, becomes propeller of industrialisation for many African countries. Among all the countries adopting such kind of strategies, Ethiopia is currently one of the most successful cases, where industrial parks have contributed to the rapid establishment of the national industrial system, created a large number of jobs and promoted the investment environment and overall economic development. The successful application of China’s Industrial Park Mode in Ethiopia, one of the demonstration countries of China’s production capacity cooperation programme, is inseparable from the positive cooperation between the two countries at both national and the park level. This cooperation includes the connection of national development strategies and Chinese participation in the implementation of Ethiopian industrial park development plan at national level as well as collaboration in infrastructure supply and operation at park level. The experience acquired in the cooperation between China and Ethiopia could be helpful for China when co-building other industrial parks in both Ethiopia and other African countries.

基金项目:国家重点研发计划战略性国际科技创新合作重点专项“境外产业园区规划技术合作研究 与示范应用”(2016YFE0201000)


乔基姆· 迪特尔,埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴大学,埃塞俄比亚建筑工程与城市

发展学院(EiABC: Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City

Development),教授、学术督导(Science Director)



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