2018年第3期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.420
A Study on Types and Features of City Intelligent Planning Technique


Gan Wei


Keywords:City Intelligent Planning; Urban Models; Information Technology; Smart City


随着我国智慧城市建设的不断深入,各行各业的智能化有了实质性的推进,在城市规划领域逐步形成智能规划的技术方法。本文首先对城市智能规划的概念进行研究界定,认为城市智能规划是通过多种智能技术辅助城市规划理性分析和科学决策的过程。在此基础上,整理了过去30 年以来形成的四类城市智能规划技术,分别是:计算机辅助设计技术、城市定量分析技术、城市动态模拟技术以及城市智能交互技术。之后对每一类城市智能规划技术的相关研究进行整理,并提出城市智能规划的五项技术特征,分别是:大数据、自动化、交互性、复合型和生长性。最后,作者介绍了城市智能模型平台(CIM)——可以作为未来城市智能规划的一种可能的技术载体,整合城市时空大数据及运行各类城市模型,从而支撑城市规划的智能决策。


With the development of smart city in China, the intelligentization process occurs in various fields. In the area of urban planning, one method called city intelligent planning has being proposed in recent years. This paper initially studies the concept of city intelligent planning, and defines it as a process of rational analysis and scientific decision-making based on multiple urban models. Furthermore, the author raises four types of city intelligent technologies, include Computer Aided Design, Urban Evaluation, Urban Procedural Design Model and Urban Responsive Model. This paper compiles the representative research on urban intelligent planning in different types, and promoted five key features of these technics. In the end, the author introduces one platform named City Intelligent Model (CIM) as the basement to realize city intelligent planning by loading dynamic urban models. This technic platform in the future should present as an organic combination of the three-dimensional urban space and dynamic information to integrate urban geographical big data and support intelligent decision of urban planning.




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