2018年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.148
基于TOD 的城市更新策略探析 —— 以深圳龙华新区为例
Urban Renewal Strategy Based on TOD: A Case Study of Longhua District, Shenzhen

田宗星 李贵才

Tian Zongxing, Li Guicai


Keywords:TOD; Transit; Urban Renewal; Longhua District in Shenzhen


在土地资源约束和小汽车大量增加的背景下,传统的城市更新面临成本高昂、交通拥堵进一步恶化、社会分化加剧等困境。国内外研究表明,TOD 模式能够促进城市紧凑发展,降低小汽车出行,促进各阶层的融合,并带来公共交通沿线物业的增值。基于此,本文在总结TOD 内涵和原则的基础上,探讨了融合TOD理念的城市更新策略,从选址、功能定位和规划设计等方面提出了改进建议,并分析了可行性和有效性。然后,本文分析了深圳市龙华新区通过地铁4 号线引导城市更新的应用实践,总结了该策略的实施路径及其成效。理论和实践分析证明,基于TOD 的城市更新策略是可行的,能够应对传统城市更新存在的问题,为我国城市更新的转型提供了新的思路。


Under the background of land resources constraints, more and more cities tap the potential of land use by urban renewal. However, urban renewal in traditional way faces many difficulties, such as high cost, exacerbating traffic congestion, and worsen social divisions. Researches show that TOD mode can promote compact urban development, reduce car trips, promote integration of all classes, and bring the property value along transit line. Based on this, this paper proposes transit oriented urban renewal, puts forward the suggestions for improvement from site selection, functional positioning and planning design, and analyzes the feasibility and validity of the strategy. Then, it analyzes the application practice of Longhua District in Shenzhen which guides the urban renewal through Metro Line 4, and summarizes the implementation path of the strategy and its effectiveness. The theoretical and practical analysis proves that transit oriented urban renewal is feasible and can deal with problems existing in traditional urban renewal, which provides a new idea for the transformation of urban renewal in China.





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