2018年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.013
Research Review of Spatial Planning Development and Reform in China and Abroad

罗超 王国恩 孙靓雯

Luo Chao, Wang Guoen, Sun Liangwen


Keywords:Spatial Planning; Planning System; Planning Reform; Research Review




Spatial planning is a popular topic in governmental reform and planning research. Aiming at promoting the knowledge of spatial planning, this paper analyses the evolution of spatial planning concept, spatial planning development and reform in typical foreign countries, revealing the common features in diverse developments of spatial planning regime in

different countries and periods, which could be beneficial enlightenment for the spatial planning reform in China. Based on the common features and analysis of spatial planning development and relevant research in China, the future spatial planning reform of China can be concluded as below: (1) sustainable development is the main target with a balance of development and protection; (2) division of powers should consider both centralization and devolution; (3) in order to implement the topdown spatial policy, planning coordination and combination ought to be enhanced.

基金项目:国家留学基金资助(201506270065),国家自然科学基金“3S 支持的多尺度城市用地评定与‘三区’划定方法及应用研究”(51278384)资助





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