2018年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.245
Indicator-based Monitoring Framework of Spatial Planning in England and Its Inspirations

周姝天 翟国方 施益军

Zhou Shutian, Zhai Guofang, Shi Yijun


Keywords:Spatial Planning; Dynamic Monitoring; Monitoring Indicator System; England




Dynamic monitoring of spatial planning is more important and complicated than traditional urban planning due to its comprehensive contents and far-reaching influences. Thanks to its early initiation and complete system, the spatial planning in England has developed an institutionalized, normalized and dynamic monitoring system, with legal protection, specific responsibility subjects, comprehensive and locally distinctive spatial development objectives, and objective-oriented monitoring framework. The heart of its dynamic monitoring framework is to ensure the policy effects are not off its objectives by measuring and comparing the variation of multidimensional indicators regularly, and make active response, rational adjustment, and scientific guidance. On the basis of introducing the planning monitoring system in England, this paper concludes its objective-oriented monitoring framework of spatial planning with evidence from monitoring indicator systems and monitoring practices in both the Regional Spatial Strategies and Manchester Local Plan, to offer inspirations for implementing monitoring works in China’s emerging spatial planning.



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