2018年第6期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.325
Transition of Flood Control and Water Management in the Netherlands’ Spatial Planning with Analysis of Its Management System


Cao Zhejing


Keywords:Flood Control and Water Management; The Netherlands; Spatial Planning; Delta Program; Administration System; Law System


荷兰的城镇发展与水相伴相生,在历次洪涝灾害的应对中,水治理经历了从早期依靠工程干预提高防洪标准,到后期通过生态措施减缓灾害影响的思路转变。荷兰水治理和历次空间规划衔接逐渐紧密,水治理的核心理念被纳入全国《国家基础设施与空间规划战略》和《水规划》的目标、措施和空间结构中。2011—2017 年的“三角洲项目”作为政府水治理的战略性计划,不仅强化了生态措施和韧性规划,更加强了与空间规划的融合。本文以荷兰治水思路的转变为切入点,通过对2011—2017 历年“三角洲项目”规划内容的梳理,分析荷兰最新水治理思路转变的关键;并通过剖析荷兰空间规划中水治理的行政体系和法规体系,对中国作出启示。


The urban development in the Netherlands is shaped by water. And the strategies for flood control and water management have changed from pure engineering intervention to ecological approach in history of combating flooding. Flood control and water management has coordinated with spatial planning more and more closely by incorporating its main goals into “National Infrastructure and Spatial Planning” and “National Water Plan”. The strategic “Delta Program” since 2011 not only underlines ecological approach and flexible planning strategy, but also facilitates its merging with spatial planning. This paper focuses on the transition of strategies of flood control and water management in the Netherlands, probes into the contents of the yearly “Delta Program” in 2011-2017, and analyses its administration system and law system foundation, which give a hint to China.




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