2019年第1期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2018.090
Toward a Sustainable Rural Governance? The Public Goods Provision in Question Amidst the State-led Rural Construction in China

申明锐 张京祥

Shen Mingrui, Zhang Jingxiang


Keywords:Rural Planning; Public Goods; State-led Program; Rural Governance; Sustainable Development




Under the support of multiple pro-farmer policies, state-led plans and programs have promoted the effectiveness of governance for rural China, meanwhile also changed its structure in some places. However, the problem of unsustainable provision of public goods emerges after the rural construction craze. This paper analyzes Tangjiajia in Nanjing as the typical case of the phenomenon. It illustrates the supply and consumption mechanism of the public goods in Tangjiajia, and uncovers the challenge for collective to sustain village operation after government withdrawal. We argue that the village stakeholders, including the new comers, enjoy high-quality facilities and services originated from the state-led programs and take it for granted. There is no clear pricing mechanism amidst daily management of the village, which can be analogous to the taxing system in cities. Striving for a sustainable rural governance, an endogenous while state-mediated model should be set up, and the provision of public goods in villages should be more relied on the community stakeholders themselves.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金课题(51808280, 51578276),中国博士后科学基金 (2017M621714)




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