2019年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.571
Coexistence and Conflict Between Archaeological Site Preservation and City Development: The Study of Rome Monumental Zone’s 100-Year History of Preservation


Du Qian

关键词:考古遗址;城市化;保护区划; 遗址保护与利用;罗马

Keywords:Archaeological Site; Urbanization; Planning of Conservation; Conservation and Use of Archaeological Site; Rome


考古遗址在面对城市发展所带来的建筑用地扩张时极其脆弱。近年来我国遗址保护与城市化存在诸多矛盾,而城市化水平已比较稳定的西方国家早年也有类似情形。意大利罗马“古迹区”保护始于19 世纪早期,保护区划形成于19 世纪末期,后由于两次世界大战与城市化的影响逐渐碎片化,自20 世纪后半叶开始进行内部肌理的织补。该案例充分体现了遗址保护与城市发展之间的辩证关系,其中存在的问题以及解决方法对我国当前遗址保护规划颇具参考价值。


The archaeological site is extremely fragile in the face of fast urbanization. How to protect the archaeological site during the urbanization is not only an issue for China nowadays, but also a problem for Western countries before. The preservation of the “Archaeological Zone” in Rome began since the early 19th century. The conservation zone was officially settled in the late 19th century but fell into fragmentation due to the impact of the two world wars and urbanization. This process was alleviated since the second half of the 20th century. The study case fully embodies the conflict between archaeological site protection and city development, which can provide China’s current site protection planning with great value.




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