2020年第1期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2019.669
建成环境对老年人健康的影响 :认识基础与方法探讨
Health Effect of the Built Environment on the Older Adults: Fundamental Understanding and Research Approach


Yu Yifan

关键词:建成环境 ;老年人 ;健康 ;循证研究 ;中介效应 ; 老年宜居环境

Keywords:Built Environment; Older Adults; Health; Evidence-based Research; Mediation Effect; Age-friendly Environment




People gain health benefit from well-designed environment both physically and mentally, especially for the older adults who spend most of time in the living environment. Facing the health challenges brought about by aging, age-friendly environment is getting proven to be valuable in many aspects, such as the environmental compensation to the individual activity, the potential effects to older adults’ functional rehabilitation and healthy behavior promotion and so on. Since the built environment and human being’s health belong to two open systems with many influencing factors, the health impact study of built environment, at its emerging stage, still has a series of essential problems to be explored. Among those, the key issue exists in the lack of theoretical basis and applicable research approaches. For this purpose, two theoretical models are drawn on in this paper, which includes the environmental stress model and the active living ecological model. Given the great potential and increasing impact of evidence-based strategy, it is recommended as the major method in health-related studies. In order to improve the correlation between research variables, the paper also introduces an approach of mediation effects analysis.




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