2020年第1期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2019.064
Spatial Relationship of Urban Agglomerations in Bay Area and the Influence Mechanism of Cross-sea Channels

万丹 黄勇 葛国钦 蒋迪 邓良凯

Wan Dan, Huang Yong, Ge Guoqin, Jiang Di, Deng Liangkai

关键词:湾区; 城市群; 空间关系; 复杂网络; 跨海通道; 粤港澳湾区

Keywords:Bay Area; Urban Agglomeration; Spatial Relationship; Complex Network; Cross-Sea Channels; Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area




With marine economy increasingly becoming the mainstream of the world economy, the urban agglomeration of the Bay Area develops to be a spatial head region for the development of a country’s urbanization. Based on the spatial relationship theory of modern urban agglomerations, this study used complex network analysis methods to conduct empirical researches on the spatial relationship between the New York Bay Area, San Francisco Bay Area, Tokyo Bay Area, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. This study established an evaluation index system, comprehensively studied the spatial relationship of urban agglomerations from the two perspectives of the whole network and node cities, and quantified the spatial relationship of important cross-sea channels. The study found that there is a great difference in the overall pattern and the weight of the spatial relationship between the four Bay Areas. Besides, the construction of the cross-sea channels in the Bay Areas would change the spatial relationship of urban agglomerations significantly. There is a complex relationship with the land-sea space framework of the Bay Area, the spatial distribution of node cities and facilities, and the road grid patterns. The research method of spatial relationship of the Bay Area urban agglomeration proposed in this study is helpful to understand the spatial relationship characteristics and evolution law of the urban agglomeration in the Bay Area and would have scientific reference value for the Bay Area to formulate and optimize spatial development strategies.

基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2018YFD 1100804)







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