2020年第2期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.053
A Study on the Planning Strategies in the Urban Shrinkage of Japan Under the Background of Low Fertility Rate and Aging

沈瑶 朱红飞 刘梦寒 木下勇

Shen Yao, Zhu Hongfei, Liu Menghan, Kinoshita Isami


Keywords:Low Fertility Rate; Aging Population; Urban Shrinkage; Japan; Identity; Sustainability




After World War II, Japanese cities experienced three periods of “urbanization society - urban society - urban shrinkage” with their laws and methods of urban planning changed. Summarizing the transformation of relevant planning laws, types of urban transformation and urban spatial problems in the stage of urban shrinkage in Japan, this paper focuses on the analysis of Japanese spatial planning strategies from the perspective of countermeasures for solving problems of aging and low fertility rate in the macroscopic, medium and microcosmic levels. In the macroscopic level, it mainly introduces the system of parenting support, the transformation of planning method and upper planning of supporting system for the aged population. In the medium level, it introduces the new urban design methods aiming at the identity and sustainability of the public space. In the microcosmic level, it introduces planning experience which faces space specific problems in the area of the public childcare support facilities, the old and young living areas, the empty house activation plan and the streets renaissance strategy in recent years. Finally, this paper summarises the experience that China can refer to in the stage of urban shrinkage from macroscopic, medium and microcosmic levels after comparing the recent trends of aging and declining birth-rate in China.







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