2020年第2期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2018.433
The Enlightenment of Urban Adaptive Transformation Based on Nature-based Solutions in China

林伟斌 孙一民

Lin Weibin, Sun Yimin


Keywords:Urbanization; Engineering Thinking; Nature-based Solutions; Adaptive Transformation; Enlightenment




Since the reform and opening up, China has experienced the world’s largest and most rapid urbanization. At the same time, it produces the most complex problems of urbanization. To solve these problems, adaptive transformation and green and sustainable development are inevitable choices under the background of ecological civilization. Western countries have explored new concepts and theories that solve complex social, environmental, and economic urbanization problems through effective management of ecosystems. First, this paper describes the origin of the concept of nature-based solutions and its difference with other related concepts, elaborates existing research framework, evaluation system and implementation process, and introduces successful practice cases in Europe and the United States. Then, it analyzes the opportunities and challenges brought by urbanization, climate change, engineering thinking, administrative system and lack of talents to China’s urban development. Finally, it clarifies the enlightenment of natural-based solutions in the transscale and systemic, infrastructure-driven, operability, and open sharing in this critical period of urban adaptive transformation in China.




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