2020年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2018.079
城市人居环境提升政策项目组织的“自主性”原则: 国际实践与本土探索
Principle of Subsidiarity in the Organization of Urban Settlement Improvement Programs: International Practice and Domestic Exploration

郭磊贤 吴唯佳

Guo Leixian, Wu Weijia

关键词:人居环境提升项目;自主性;公共投资;空间治理; 欧盟城市社区倡议

Keywords:Settlement Improvement Program; Subsidiarity; Public Investment; Spatial Governance; EU Urban Community Initiative


当前,各类城市人居环境提升政策项目在我国广泛开展。从海外经验看,超地方组织和社会资本对城市事务的介入缓解了因地方政府财力有限导致的城市人居环境提升压力,并在此过程中形成了以“自主性”为原则、在激励与监测机制下保障地方主体自主权和公共投资绩效的城市人居环境提升政策项目组织模式,其中数欧盟城市社区倡议最为完善。我国相关政策具有在行政体系内部自上而下贯彻执行的惯性,但近年来的实践已表现出一定的“自主性”色彩。本文通过调研分析上海M 区的社区提升实践案例发现,基于“自主性”原则的项目组织架构能够适应我国城市发展制度环境并获得良好的项目实施效果,对于促进我国区域和城市治理现代化有借鉴意义,可从基层社区为起始逐步推广。


Currently, urban settlement improvement programs are widely promoted in China. As seen from the overseas experiences, the involvement of social capital and supra-local organizations in urban affairs alleviates the pressure on urban public resources that is due to the fiscal austerity of local governments. There has evolved a project management model of urban settlement improvement policy based on the ‘subsidiarity’ principle, of which EU’s Urban Community Initiative is a typical representative. Using an incentive and monitoring mechanism, this model guarantees the power of local authorities and the performance of public investment. In contrast, China’s relevant policies are usually implemented from top to bottom within the administration system, but some recent practices have indicated the emergence of ‘subsidiarity’. Through investigating the community enhancement program in M District in Shanghai, this paper found that the project management structure based on ‘subsidiarity’ can  adapt to the institutional environment of Chinese cities and obtain good implementation results. As a conclusion, such mode has reference signification to the modernization of China’s regional and urban governance, as well as community level  implementation.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目(51608294);首都区域空间规划研究北京市重 点实验室科技创新基地培育与发展工程专项项目(Z141110004414009)




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