2020年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.173
中东欧战略空间规划的发展: 以路径依赖、欧洲影响和国内政治为研究视角
The Development of Strategic Spatial Planning in Central and Eastern Europe: Between Path Dependence, European Influence, and Domestic Politics

马辛·东布罗夫斯基 卡塔知娜·皮斯雷克

Marcin D?browski, Katarzyna Piskorek

关键词:战略规划;欧洲化;欧盟凝聚政策;历史制度主义; 波兰;捷克共和国;匈牙利

Keywords:Strategic Planning; Europeanisation; EU Cohesion Policy; Historical Institutionalism; Poland; Czech Republic; Hungary


本文讨论了波兰、捷克共和国和匈牙利这三个中东欧国家的空间规划体系演变历程,以及这三个国家自1990 年代初的后共产主义过渡时期开始引入的战略规划及其实践。研究以历史制度主义概念的视角来解释战略空间规划的演变过程,并阐明加入欧盟在变革中起到的催化作用。研究特别指出并分析了产生路径依赖的关键节点,以及它们如何影响了区域和地方决策者在适应欧盟凝聚政策框架及参与战略规划的制定和执行时的能力。


Focusing on three of the Central and Eastern European countries – Poland, Czech Republic, and Hungary – the paper investigates the evolution of spatial planning systems and the introduction of strategic planning practices from the beginning of the post-communist transition in the early 1990s to the present. It sheds new light on this issue by applying the conceptual lens of historical institutionalism to explain this process and elucidate the role of the accession to the European Union (EU) as a catalyst for change. In particular, the paper identifies and analyses the critical junctures at which path dependencies emerged and later constrained the capacity of the regional and local actors to adjust to the EU Cohesion Policy framework and engage in strategic planning as part of it.

版权信息:本文英文原文发表于《规划展望》(Planning Perspectives)2018 年 第4 期571-589 页(DOI: 10.1080/02665433.2018.1513373), 作者 授权本刊发表其中译文






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