2020年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2018.340
Advances in Quantitative Research Methodologies for the Spatial Layout of Rural Settlement in Recent 20 Years


Yang Xi

关键词:乡村规划;乡村聚落;空间布局; 量化研究;研究方法

Keywords:Rural Planning; Rural Settlement; Spatial Layout; Quantitative Research; Methodologies


随着中国乡村建设实践的开展,规划行为开始深度介入村落空间,乡村聚落布局形态研究正在从描述性阶段向量化研究阶段迈进,以求空间规律的深度认知并借以辅助空间决策。本文基于近20 年国内外村落空间形态量化研究,从静态研究方法和动态研究方法两个层面对诸研究思路和方法进行评述,判断各种方法的优势和局限,探讨研究中所遇到的关键问题、方法的适用范围、研究的不足和研究的发展趋势,以期为后续村落形态量化研究和实践提供有效的参考。


Nowadays, professional planning began to play an important role in the development of rural reconstruction in China when the method for rural settlement research started to stride forward from descriptive stage to quantitative stage, which can help to extract and apply spatial rules. This paper, based on the review of quantitative researches on rural settlements in recent 20 years at home and abroad, makes comments on the methods at two levels: static methods and dynamic methods, judging their advantages and limitations, and discussing about the key problems, the scope of application, the shortages and the development trend of quantitative methodology, which provides reference for future researches and practices.




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