2020年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.320
History and Present of German Villages

格哈德·汉克尔 著 马媛 译 干靓 钱玲燕 校译

Written by Gerhard Henkel, Translated by Ma Yuan, Proofread by Gan Jing, Qian Lingyan

关键词:传统村庄 ;现代村庄 ;村镇自治 ;城乡生活条件等值 ;空间规划 ; 地方政策 ;乡村发展 ;区域管理的民主性

Keywords:Traditional Villages; Modern Villages; Self-government; Equivalent Living Conditions in Urban and Rural Areas; Spatial Planning; Local Politics; Rural Development; Democracy in Regional Administration


与 200 年前的传统村庄相比,德国现今的典型现代村庄在村庄风貌、社会及经济结构、基础设施、村镇自治、生活方式等方面发生了重大变迁,但村庄共同体中的高参与度、合作互助和亲近自然等传统得以保留。为解决区域发展不平衡这一问题,对德国乡村发展具有重要意义的空间规划政策在近 20 年间发生了范式转变,由集中式、标准化、“自上而下”命令式的理念转变为内生型、因地制宜的发展理念。乡村对国家和社会具有重大意义,与城市具有同等价值且互相依赖,构成利益与责任共同体。城市与乡村的均衡共存至今仍是德国重要的国家目标。


In comparison to traditional villages 200 years ago, modern German villages have changed a lot in appearance, social and economic structure, infrastructure, self-government or autonomy, and lifestyle. However, traditions such as the commitment to the village community, cooperation, mutual assistance, and closeness to nature are preserved. In order to reduce imbalances between regions, a paradigm shift took place in the spatial development planning in the last twenty years: the centralized, standardized concepts that are dictated “from top to bottom” have changed towards endogenous or regionally adapted development. Country and city are of equal importance for the state as a whole and for society. They are dependent on each other and build a community of interests and responsibilities. The balanced coexistence of city and country is still a high national objective in Germany.

版权信息:本文原文发表于《政治与时代史》(Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte)2016 年第 46—47 期出版的“乡村与乡村性”(Land und L?ndlichkeit)专辑,德文标题为 “Geschichte und Gegenwart des Dorfes”。《政治与时代史》授权我刊发表中译文。

格哈德 · 汉克尔,原德国杜伊斯堡 - 埃森大学地理学院乡村规划方向教授,德国乡村研究专家、人文地理学家。gerhard.henkel@uni-due.de





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