2020年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.328
内生型发展导向下德国乡村地区存量空间的潜力激活 —— 以巴登—符滕堡州 MELAP 项目为例
Endogenous Development Oriented Activation of the Spatial Potentials in Rural Area: A Case Study of MELAP, Baden-Württemberg in Germany

克斯廷·戈特 蒋薇 丁宇新

Kerstin Gothe, Jiang Wei, Ding Yuxin

关键词:内生型发展 ;乡村地区 ;巴登—符滕堡州 ;MELAP ;米歇尔巴赫村

Keywords:Endogenous Development; Rural Area; Baden-Württemberg; MELAP; Michelbach


相比以德国东部为代表的人口收缩地区,位于德国西南部巴登—符腾堡州的小城镇和乡村地区的经济分布虽整体上较为合理,但现阶段仍面临着人口老龄化、乡村经济结构重构、村镇中心空心化、传统基础设施利用率不高以及生活品质降低等新的发展趋势和挑战,而这促使现有的政策条文相应发生改变,并催生出了新的战略措施。为了应对乡村发展的新问题,巴登—符滕堡州乡村地区和消费者保护部近年推出了“通过激活内部空间潜力减少土地开发的示范项目”(MELAP),旨在通过盘活村镇中心存量空间来吸引本地居民回归,提升村镇生活品质并激发村镇可持续发展的动力。本文通过探究 MELAP 的由来、目标和实施,并以米歇尔巴赫村为例进行成效分析,阐述内生型发展对激活小城镇和乡村地区存量空间潜力可能产生的作用,以期为中国乡村地区存量空间发展开拓思路,提出建议。


Compared with the shrinking areas represented by the eastern Germany, the economic distribution of small towns and rural areas in Baden-Württemberg in southwestern Germany is relatively reasonable. However, it is still facing new trends and challenges such as aging of population, restructuring of economic, vacancy of village centers, low utilization of traditional infrastructure and reduced quality of life. This has led to corresponding changes in existing policy provisions, and has spawned new strategic measures. In order to response to the new problems of rural development, the Ministry of Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg has launched a demonstration project called “MELAP” (Modellprojekt zur Eind?mmung des Landschaftsverbrauchs durch Aktivierung des inner?rtlichen Potenzials) in recent years, which means to reduce land consumption by activating brownfield development. This project aims to attract local residents to return, improve the quality of life in villages and towns and stimulate the sustainable development through revitalizing the centres of villages and towns. This article analyzes the origin, goals, implementation of the MELAP project, and the performance of the Michelbach village as an example, explains the possible effects of endogenous development in activating the spatial potential of inventory space in small towns and rural areas, with a view to explore new ideas and make recommendations for the development of inventory spaces in rural areas of China.


克斯廷 · 戈特,博士,德国卡尔斯鲁厄工业大学(KIT)教授




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