2020年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2018.343
西方城市更新中的文化策略 —— 以伦敦和悉尼为例
Cultural Approach to Urban Regeneration in the West: Cases in London and Sydney


Chen Jie

关键词:城市更新;文化策略;改进式策略;创意式策略; 商业式策略;西方城市;伦敦;悉尼

Keywords:Urban Regeneration; Cultural Approach; Progressive Strategy; Creative Strategy; Entrepreneurial Strategy; The West; London; Sydney




Cultural approach has been gradually applied to urban regeneration practices. Western scholars identified the progressive, creative and entrepreneurial cultural strategies in urban regeneration, and summarized four aspects of characteristics. Through a review of western literatures, this paper expands the characteristics of cultural strategies into seven aspects, namely, architectural type, potential value, goals, main stakeholders, target audience, type of cultural programs and facilities, and cultural activities. Focusing on cases in London and Sydney, the author summarizes the main characteristics of three cultural development strategies, in attempting to enrich existing literature and provide a reference to the urban regeneration practices in China.




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