2020年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2019.463
健康社区建设的研究进展与关键维度探索 —— 基于国际知识图谱分析
Research Progress and Key Dimension Exploration of Healthy Community Construction: Based on the Analysis of International Knowledge Map

吴一洲 杨佳成 陈前虎

Wu Yizhou, Yang Jiacheng, Chen Qianhu


Keywords:Healthy Community; Mapping Knowledge Domain; Connotation; Key Dimensions; CiteSpace


自世界卫生组织1986 年启动健康城市促进计划后,健康社区作为健康城市营造的微观单元,逐渐在西方国家掀起热潮,并蔓延至日本、新加坡、中国等诸多国家。本文借助CiteSpace 工具进行了健康社区研究的知识图谱分析。分析发现:健康社区研究主要集中于美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和中国四个国家;研究聚焦在人的作用与感受、环境与自然、社会作用、健康城市和健康社区、社区公园、老龄化等领域;研究的演进脉络可概括为物质环境—精神健康—哲学、经济学、社会学等多学科融合—社区自调节(社区韧性/ 社区恢复力)的过程。结合国内外相关标准和中国实际,本文概括了健康社区的内涵,并创新性地提出了健康社区建设的六大维度,包括健康住宅、健康环境、健康交通、健康设施、健康活动以及健康社会,旨为中国城市乃至其他国家建设健康社区提供依据。


Since the WHO launched the call for healthy community in 1986, the cause has gradually developed and spread out to the Western countries, Japan, Singapore, China, and many other countries. This paper analyzes the mapping knowledge domain of health community research with the help of CiteSpace. The study finds that the healthy community research is mainly conducted in the United States, Canada, Australia and China. The research area generally covers people’s roles and feelings, environment and nature, social roles, healthy cities and healthy communities, as well as community parks and aging. This type of research has experienced an evolution in terms of its primary focus: the integration of physical environment—mental health—philosophy, economics, sociology and other disciplines—community self-adjustment (community resilience). Combining the domestic and international authoritative standards with the actual circumstances in China, this paper summarizes the connotation of healthy community and proposed six dimensions of healthy community construction, including healthy housing, healthy environment, healthy transportation, health facilities, healthy activities, and healthy society.






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