2021年第2期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2019.204
Evolution of Spatial Pattern of London Green Space System Based on Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis and Its Relevance to Policy

戴菲 毕世波 郭晓华 陈明

Dai Fei, Bi Shibo, Guo Xiaohua, Chen Ming


Keywords:MSPA (Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis); Green Space System; Spatial Pattern; Time Evolution; Planning Policy; London


绿地系统的空间格局、驱动力分析和评价及其与相关政策的关联性研究能够为绿地系统的未来规划进行指导。伦敦是推动世界建设城市环城绿带的成功典范,本文基于ENVI5.3、GIS 平台,通过形态学空间格局分析(MSPA)方法,从时间维度、绿地空间格局类型及其与相关政策的关系三个角度,对1975 年来伦敦绿地系统进行深入探究。笔者发现绿地系统自1975 年以来经历了“分—合—分”的发展轨迹,其发展可分为1975—1985 年的破碎化趋向、1985—2010 年的带状绿地整合化和2010—2018 年间“点—线—面”状绿地网络化三个阶段。整体而言,英国绿地系统空间格局形态的变化情况与相关政策的实施密不可分,尤其21 世纪初来,核心、孤岛、边缘、桥连接、分支、环、孔隙等7 类绿地格局形态均在政策影响下得以大幅度优化。但作为一个不断发展与完善的动态系统,绿地系统的发展受建设用地、裸地等驱动因子的影响,会出现某一时段内“自组织”的发展现象;此外,日后在“公园城市”的建设过程中应尤其重视保护和建设起过渡作用的“孔隙”和“边缘”两种绿地格局形态。


Analysis on spatial patterns and driving force of green space system, the evaluation of it and its correlation with related policies, could guide better planning for it in the future. London is one of the most successful examples in the world to promote the green belt around the city. Based on ENVI5.3 and GIS platform, this paper deeply explores the green space system of London since 1975 using MSPA (Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis) from three perspectives: the temporal dimension, its spatial pattern types and their relationship with related policies. It finds that the green space system in London has experienced the development track of “dividing-combining-dividing” since 1975, which can be divided into three development stages: the fragmentation trend from 1975 to 1985, the integration of strip green space from 1985 to 2010, and networking of “point-line-face” green space between 2010 and 2018. On the whole, changes in the spatial patterns of the UK’s green space system are inextricably consistent with relevant policies, with all seven categories of green space patterns have greatly improved in the 21st century. As a dynamic system constantly developing and improving, the UK’s green space system is subject to the driving factors’ influence including construction land and bare land, which causes a phenomenon of “self-organization” development in certain periods. In addition, the protection and construction of “pores” and “edge” should be focused on specially when developing “park city”.







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