2021年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.068
建筑项目与再现的作用 —— 以波兰新胡塔为例
Architectural Project and the Agency of Representation: The Case of Nowa Huta, Poland

卢卡茨·斯坦尼克 著 杨舢 译

Written by ?ukasz Stanek, Translated by Yang Shan

关键词:空间生产 ;再现的作用 ;建筑项目 ;波兰 ;社会主义城市

Keywords:The Production of Space; The Agency of Representation; Architectural Project; Poland; Socialist City


本文基于列斐伏尔的学说探讨再现在空间生产中的能动作用。 列斐伏尔认为,再现是空间生产的必然组成,它既来自建筑师的劳动, 也缘于居民的创造。不同再现间相互竞争,共同协商。这种协商和竞 争最终会消耗建筑师的劳动,但同时也是现实的空间生产推力。本文 以波兰第一座“社会主义新城”新胡塔为研究对象,从“住宅问题” 和“玫瑰巷项目”两个具体实例出发,观察并探讨了 1989 年后相互矛 盾的空间再现如何介入后社会主义时期空间生产的发展过程。


On the basis of Lefebvre’s doctrine, this article explores the agency of representation in the production of space. As Lefebvre stresses, representations are a necessary part of the processes of space production. Representations result from architectural labour and inhabitants’ creation. Although the competition and negotiation between different representations lead to an expenditure of architectural labour in conclusion, they promote the production of space in reality. Using Nowa Huta, the “first socialist city in Poland”, as a case, this article discusses how the contested representations of space intervened in the dynamics of space production in the post-socialist period after 1989. Two specific issues, “the housing question in Nowa Huta” and “alley of roses”, are chosen as the specific reference points to develop the discussion.

版权信息:本文原文摘自《当今的都市革命:社会研究中的亨利·列斐伏尔和建筑》 一书(STANEK ?, SCHMID C, MORAVANSKY A, eds. Urban revolution now: Henri Lefebvre in social research and architecture[M]. Farnham: Ashgate, 2014: 265-281)。 英国英富曼有限责任公司(INFORMA UK LIMITED) 授权我刊发表中译文。




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