2021年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.472
The Structural Model of Law and Selection Criteria of the Legislation of Territorial Spatial Planning

田亦尧 王爱毅

Tian Yiyao, Wang Aiyi

关键词:国土空间规划 ;多规合一 ;法体模式 ;基本法 ;标准框架

Keywords:Territorial Spatial Planning; Multiple Planning Integration; The Structural Model of Law; The Basic Law; Standard Framework


根据不同法律在其立法体系内地位和调整对象范围的不同,法 体模式主要分为单行法模式、基本法模式与法典模式三种类型。本文 在对我国国土空间规划立法演进和现状样态进行梳理的基础上,通过 对国外国土空间规划立法的法体模式的选择经验和国内相关法律的法 体模式选择经验进行比较研究,发现选择何种法体模式是由相关立法 和法律实施实践情况决定的。因此,保护利益趋同性、基础立法完备 性和与其他立法的衔接性三大标准,共同构成了国土空间规划法体模 式选择的标准框架。


According to different laws’ status and their scopes of adjustment objects in the legislative systems, the legal body model is mainly divided into three types: the single-act law model, the basic law model and the code model. Based on a review of the evolution and current situation of China’s territorial spatial planning legislation, this paper conducts a comparative study on the experience choosing a legal model for territorial and spatial planning legislation in foreign countries and the experience of domestic laws in choosing a legal model, which reveals that the choice of legal model is determined by the relevant legislation and the implementation of the law. Thus, three main criteria, namely, the convergence of legal insurable interests, the completeness of basic legislation and the cohesiveness with other legislation, together constitute the standard framework for the selection of legal system model for territorial spatial planning.






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