2021年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.147
Analysis and Reflection on the Phenomenon of Spatial Scale Epoche in Planning Discourse Discussion

彭坤焘 张雪

Peng Kuntao, Zhang Xue


Keywords:Spatial Scale; Reductionism; Underfitting; Commensurability; Planning Theory




There are many theoretical sources of urban planning, and many rhetorical devices of other disciplines are used in planning compilation and research. These rhetorical devices have certain functions, but intentionally or unintentionally epoche the spatial scale. The suspension of spatial scale implies the epistemology of reductionism. In the horizontal dimension, it selectively strengthens some features while neglecting the ubiquitous interaction; in the vertical dimension, it ignores the incommensurability and ergodicity of spatial laws in multiple scales. In pursuit of the root, the concepts and theoretical presuppositions from the fields of physics, biology and architecture affect the cognitive process, intuitive intuition and indirect cognition also cause the differences between micro and macro, and the knowability of human behavior and psychology is relatively limited. These factors limit the generalization ability of spatial laws, accompanied by misuse and even abuse of all kinds of rhetoric. Therefore, it is necessary to test all kinds of rhetoric through the spatial scale transformation, optimize the cognitive methods of urban and rural space, return to things themselves, and gradually approach rather than stay away from the truth. In addition, it is also necessary to go beyond the practical and problem oriented, and gradually enhance the foundationand purity of planning theory.





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