2021年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.072
The Progress and Prospects of the Multi-scale Urban Space Network Research

侯静轩 张恩嘉 龙瀛

Hou Jingxuan, Zhang Enjia, Long Ying


Keywords:Network Science; Scale; Spatial Analysis; Spatial Network; Flow Network; Bipartite Networks; Flow Type




Recently, there are a growing number of scholars studying cities from the perspective of networks. This research reviews exiting studies by dividing them into three categories to reveal the spatial scale effects on study methods and contents of urban spatial networks. From the perspective of the study method, researchers prefer the highly abstract spatial network and measuring the fundamental characteristics of the network for large-scale studies. In contrast, the fine spatial model is usually applied at fine-scale explorations to reveal some nodes’ roles in the whole network. As for the study focus, various types of flows and their dynamics are depicted to interpret some spatial phenomena at larger scales, and the interaction between flow and spatial network is the main theme in fine-scale studies. Moreover, this paper tries to show the opportunities of the future multiscale urban research by prospecting its possible analytic methods and contents, and to provide a new perspective and reference for urban studies.






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