2021年第6期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.040
Legalization of Informal Living Basement in Megacities: A Case Study of New York City

陈宇琳 郝思嘉

Chen Yulin, Hao Sijia


Keywords:Basement; Urban Renewal; Informal Housing; Legalization; New York City


我国特大城市长期面临人口流入带来的可负担住房供给压力,而地下空间作为潜在的可负担居住空间,多因空间条件差、安全隐患大而未得到有效利用。美国纽约市经过多年研究探索,于2019 年正式通过地方建筑规范的修订,并在试点社区进行了地下空间合法化改造实践。本文在梳理纽约市相关工作推进历程的基础上,对最新的地下空间合法化的实施机制和关键策略进行解读,并深入分析法律规范修订、政府贷款支持、房屋租金控制等方面采取的具体措施和实施成效,以期为我国大城市非正规地下居住空间的包容性治理提供经验借鉴。


China’s megacities have long faced pressure on the supply of affordable housing due to population influx. As potential affordable living space, basement has not been effectively used due to poor physical condition and high security risk. After years of exploration, the government of New York City officially passed the revision of local building codes in 2019, and carried out the Basement Apartment Conversion Pilot Project (BACPP) in East New York. This paper introduces its working process, implementation mechanism and key strategies of the legalization of underground space, and analyzes the specific measures of regulatory revisions, government loan support, and housing rent control. This study provides insights into inclusive governance of informal underground living space in China’s megacities.

基金项目: 北京卓越青年科学家计划(JJWZYJH01201910003010),国家自然科学基金青年项目(52008226),国家社会科学基金重大项目(21ZD111),国家社科基金青年项目(16CRK020),教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(15YJCZH016),北京市社会科学基金青年项目(15SHC043),欧盟地平线2020 研究与创新计划(770141),清华大学—丰田联合研究院基金专项(20213930029)

陈宇琳,清华大学建筑学院城市规划系,副教授,麻省理工学院SPURS 学者。chenyulin@tsinghua.edu.cn



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