2021年第6期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.519
Practical Exploration of Shanghai Community Planner System and Optimization Suggestions from the Perspective of Governance

朱弋宇 奚婷霞 匡晓明 高嘉

Zhu Yiyu, Xi Tingxia, Kuang Xiaoming, Gao Jia


Keywords:Community Planning; Community Governance; Governance Community; Community Planner System; Participatory Community Planning; System Optimization; Shanghai


进入存量发展时期,社区规划对于推动特大城市社区治理起到至关重要的作用。本文首先选取国内外社区规划体系相对完善的特大城市作为研究对象,通过分析其社区治理流程中复杂多元的利益主体即政府、社会和市场在该过程中的角色与功能,尝试总结社区规划师在社区治理过程中对治理内容和沟通协商环节的重要作用。其次,本文概述了不断在自适应探索中趋于完善的上海社区规划师制度:通过对比上海市中心六区的地方社区治理模式和运行机制,归纳了上海社区规划师在工作内容、规划师角色、工作机制和制度建设等方面共通的整体特征,并阐述了更新实施过程中规划师的能动性、多部门多主体的复杂性等局限。针对以上整体特征和局限,本文结合上海4 个代表性社区治理实践案例总结了可资借鉴的有益方法。最后,基于上海参与式社区规划的治理手段,分析上海参与式社区规划制度特色与发展导向,为上海社区治理共同体视角下社区规划师制度的优化提供建议。


Entering the period of stock development, community planning plays a vital role in promoting community governance in megacities. The paper first selects megacities with well-developed community planning systems at home and abroad as the research object, and attempts to summarize the important role of community planners in the process of community governance in terms of governance content and communication and consultation by analyzing the roles and functions of complex and diverse stakeholders in the governance process, including government, society and the market. Secondly, this paper summarizes the community planner system in Shanghai, which is being improved through continuous self-adaptive exploration. By comparing the governance models and operating mechanisms of local communities in the six districts of central Shanghai, this paper summarizes the overall characteristics of Shanghai’s community planners in terms of work content, the role of planners, working mechanisms, and system construction, and it expounds the limitations of the dynamic nature of planners and the complexity of multi-sector multi-subjects in the process of updating implementation. In response to characteristics and limitations, this paper puts forward useful approaches for wide reference in the light of the four representative community governance practice cases in Shanghai. Finally, based on the new trend of the development of Shanghai participatory community planning, this paper analyzes the Shanghai participatory community planning system, and provides the optimization suggestions for the community planner system under the perspective of Shanghai’ s Community Governance .







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