2022年第1期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.163
Analysis on the Key Fields and Strategies of the Institutional Innovation of Urban Regeneration in China


Tang Yan

关键词:城市更新 ;制度 ;治理尺度 ;动力机制 ;管控要素

Keywords:Urban Regeneration; Institution; Governance Scale; Driving Force; Control Elements


城市更新制度建设近年来已上升为我国的热点话题。这一方面与 社会经济转型带来的城市存量发展阶段息息相关,另一方面与城市更新 行动在实践中遇到的一系列亟待解决的阻力和问题密不可分。由于缺乏 系统的理论指导和有效的制度设计,当前我国各地城市更新工作的开展 面临着诸多挑战与困境。本文在解读城市更新制度内涵的基础上,针对 我国更新制度建设的现实进展和薄弱环节,从“治理尺度—动力机制— 管控要素”三方面探讨城市更新制度建设的关键维度和策略做法,包括 建立国家和地方相互支撑的城市更新政策体系、针对城市更新项目的动 力强弱实行差异化管控、建构“主体—空间—资金”相适配的系统化更 新规则等,为推进我国城市更新的制度创新和政策完善提供思路参照。


The construction of urban regeneration institution has risen to be a hot topic in China in recent years. On the one hand, it is closely related to the urban “internal” development era brought about by socio-economic transformation; on the other hand, it is inextricably linked to a series of obstacles encountered in the urban regeneration practices. At present, due to the lack of systematic theoretical guidance and effective institutional design, the implementation of urban regeneration in China is facing many challenges and difficulties. Therefore, based on interpretation of the meanings of urban regeneration and its institutions, as well as surrounding the practical progress and weak spots of institutional construction in urban regeneration of China, this paper discusses the key fields and strategies of the institutional construction of urban regeneration from three aspects of “scale-control -elements”, including the establishment of integrated national and local urban regeneration policy system, the implementation of differentiated control measures for urban regeneration projects with various motivations, and the systematically construction of compatible “subject-space-capital” regeneration rules, so as to provide references for promoting institutional reform and improving policies of urban regeneration in China.

基金项目:国 家 自 然 科 学 基 金 项 目(51978363)、 北 京 卓 越 青 年 科 学 家 项 目(JJWZYJH01201910003010)、北京市社会科学基金项目(19GLB034)资助

唐燕,博士,清华大学建筑学院,长聘副教授,博士生导师。 yantang@tsinghua.edu.cn


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