2022年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.477
From Physical Refurbishment to Human Revitalisation: Development of British Community Regeneration and Implications for China

忻晟熙 李吉桓

Xin Shengxi, Li Jihuan

关键词:反贫困 ;地域政策 ;微更新 ;社区更新 ;英国规划

Keywords:Anti-poverty; Area-based Initiative; Micro Regeneration; Community Regeneration; British Planning


近年来,中国社区更新正从大拆大建转向强调公众参与的微更新,但其重点仍聚焦于物质改造,缺乏对城市贫困的综合性关注。英国有着丰富的社区更新经验, 实践历经多轮变革。1990 年代起,英国社区更新就从物质更新转向了综合性反贫困行动,而2011年地方主义改革又催生出更为本地化和社会化的新模式。本文首先梳理了英国社区更新的三个演化阶段及其理论基础,而后分析了广受推崇的行动式社区更新的问题,并介绍了社区生态重构这一改革新方向。基于英国经验与教训,文章在最后呼吁中国的社区更新实践需注重人的振兴,即实质性提升居民的核心资源获得能力和个人发展机会,并结合中国实际提出了四点建议:制定兼顾人口和地域的更新计划,建立政府与社区之间跨部门多层级的工作体系,加强引导社会力量参与和核心资源投放,完善评估和动态评价机制,旨在帮助我国社区更新加快完成 从物质更新到人的振兴的蜕变。


In recent years, community regeneration in China has been transitioning from “tabula rasa” to the micro regeneration that allows increasing public participation. However, the focus of the “micro regeneration” remains to be physical refurbishment and it lacks comprehensive attention to the urban poverty issues. Britain has extensive experience in community regeneration, and it has also gone through several reforms. From 1990s, the British regeneration has transitioned from physical renewal to comprehensive anti-poverty initiatives, and the 2011 localism reform has induced a new model that is more localised and socialised. This paper first summarises the three development stages of British community regeneration and its theoretical foundation. Then, several issues within the area-based initiatives of regeneration that have been widely promoted are identfied, and the restructuring of community ecology, as a new reform direction of regeneration, is introduced. The paper calles for focusing on human development in community regeneration, to substantially increase people’s access to mainstream resources and their capabilities for development. Based on the UK’s experience and China’s reality, the paper finally raises four tips to help facilitate the transition of Chinese community regeneration from physical refurbishment to human revitalisation, which includes making regeneration scheme with both area- and people-based focus, establishing a multi-department and cross-level working system, enhancing the participation of social actors and input of mainstream resource, and improving appraisal and dynamic evaluation mechanism.





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