2022年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.116
The Holist Transformation Implied in the San Francisco Bay Area Planning: with Discussion on Chinese Metropolitan Area Planning

张嘉颖 王红扬

Zhang Jiaying, Wang Hongyang

关键词:国土空间规划 ;整体主义 ;都市圈规划 ;系统性统筹 ; 旧金山湾区

Keywords:Spatial Planning; Holism; Metropolitan Area Planning; Systematic Coordination; San Francisco Bay Area


都市圈规划容易陷入“无效包罗一切”的困境。本文从系统性统筹的角度出发,首先基于整体主义理论对都市圈规划及其困境进行解析, 进而分析旧金山湾区规划演进历程中的整体主义逻辑转型,并结合《湾区规划2040:区域可持续发展策略》进一步阐释和检验,最后阐明旧金山湾区规划转型和整体主义思维在认识、内容和方法三个层面对我国都市圈规划编制的启示。基于局部要素动态变化的关联关系,系统性统筹的目标是实现整体性优化。都市圈规划应基于同时性逻辑,通过穷尽可能情境和整体效应比选,灵活地找到最优整体性目标,以及整体效应最优的局部干预,以突破困境背后局部、线性的思维局限,实现整体性最优。


This paper responses to the confusion of ‘invalid all-inclusive’ in metropolitan area planning from the perspective of systematic coordination. It firstly expounds the difficulties of metropolitan area planning based on the theory of Holism. It then reveals the Holist transformation implied in San Francisco Bay Area planning process, and follows with a specific introduction of “Plan Bay Area 2040: Strategy for a Sustainable Region”, which is a holistic explanation and application. Eventually it concludes the enlightenment of San Francisco Bay Area planning and holistic thinking for Chinese metropolitan area planning from three levels: epistemology, content and methodology. The core of systematic coordination is the optimization of the‘whole’, which emphasis simultaneous changes among the core ingredients of metropolitan area. Inescapably, its planning should derive from comparison and selection of exhaustive conjecture of scenarios with synchronic thinking instead of partial, linear thinking, so as to notice the optimal scenario with overall goal and precise practical action.





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