2022年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2022.241
Urban Logistics Facility Planning and Policy Transition


Wang Jixian

关键词:城市物流 ;消费物流 ;物流规划 ;设施开发 ;成本约束 ;政策转型

Keywords:Urban Logistics; Consumption Logistics; Logistics Planning; Facility Development; Cost Constraints; Policy Transition


城市规划如何适应当前城市物流行业的快速发展已成为当下研究与实践高度关注的议题, 也是策划“城市物流设施的规划与政策转型”专辑的主要背景。作为导读,本文旨在简要介绍这 一专辑的立意、概念范畴以及入选文章的基本内容。在阐述物流从生产领域走向日常生活的转型 背景后,本文尝试回到物流及物流管理的基本概念,厘清物流的基本定义、内容范畴以及成本属性, 并在不同概念的比较中强化对城市物流等概念的认知。其次,从目标、手段、对象等维度,指出 城市物流设施规划与城市规划分离的原因,以及城市物流实现可持续发展的挑战。最后,介绍了 专辑的内容构成,遴选的六篇文章分别着眼于城市物流设施规划建设的经济、社会和环境可持续 等维度,探讨了城市物流活动及其设施规划的组织模式及外部影响,分析了城市物流政策的目标 转向,提出了相关措施与理念,以强化城市规划与物流规划之间的联结,服务于新时期的城市物 流设施规划及政策转型。


How urban planning could adapt to the rapid development of the urban logistics industry has become a topic of concern both for policy research and practice. This is also the primary background of organizing this special issue of “Urban Logistics Facility Planning and Policy Transition”. As the editorial introduction of the present special issue, this paper intends to illustrate the motivation, define common concepts, and briefly profile each paper featured in this issue. After illustrating the serial concepts that sprung up in the transition from production logistics to consumption logistics, this paper attempts to revisit the concept of logistics and its conceptual evolution. The definition, content scope, and cost attributes of logistics activities are clarified by comparing different concepts. Following the definition of logistics activities, this paper elaborates how the differences across purpose, objective, and measures lead to difficulties in integrating urban facility development planning and logistics planning. The serial challenges of achieving sustainable urban logistics then have been proposed. To address the above questions and challenges, this special issue selected six papers from the perspective of social, economic, and environmental sustainability for urban logistics facility development. The featured papers discuss the changes in urban logistics activities, organization patterns, and external impacts. Adapting to the objective shift of logistics policy practice, this special issue intends to propose new measures and policy initiatives with the aim of integrating urban planning and logistics planning and serving urban logistics facility development and policy transition.




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