2022年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2022.291
Public Logistics Facilities Planning in China’s Large Cities: Progress, Principles and Strategies

李国旗 石佳 杜国鹏 杨佳鑫 刘思婧

Li Guoqi, Shi Jia, Du Guopeng, Yang Jiaxin, Liu Sijing


Keywords:Public Logistics Facility; Logistics Park; Spatial Layout; Green Development; Large Cities




Public logistics facilities are the main undertaking areas for logistics activities and are of positive significance in promoting the high-quality development of the logistics industry and helping the logistics industry to reduce costs and increase efficiency. The scientific planning of public logistics facilities in large cities is conducive to optimizing urban spatial layout, expanding domestic markets, safeguarding people’s livelihood and enhancing emergency logistics capacity. However, the principles, planning elements and transformation directions of existing policy practices regarding the planning of public logistics facilities are not yet clear. Starting from the understanding of the development history of public logistics facilities planning in large cities, this paper systematically summarizes the key points and differences in the planning of typical major public logistics facilities and proposes the empirical principles and inherent requirements of public logistics facilities planning from the perspectives of spatial layout, facilities integration, industrial support, green development and safety resilient. In the light of the new requirements of the 14th Five-Year Plan for national economic and social development, the transformation direction and implementation strategies of public logistics facilities planning in the new era are pointed out from the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, open and inclusive development.








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