2022年第4期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.446
区域性历史文化空间保护与发展规划及其治理 —— 以法国卢瓦尔河谷为例
Planning and Governance of Regional Historical and Cultural Space Conservation and Development: A Case Study of the Loire Valley in France

邵甬 黄俣博

Shao Yong, Huang Yubo

关键词:区域性历史文化空间;整体保护;协同发展;规划治理; 卢瓦尔河谷

Keywords:Regional Historical and Cultural Space; Integrated Conservation; Coordinated Development; Planning Governance; The Loire Valley


国土空间规划强调构建历史文化和自然景观网络,延续历史文脉并突出地方特色,同时遗产保护领域中文化景观、文化线路等区域性历史文化资源也因其独特价值日益受到重视,但其构成的区域性历史文化空间的整体保护与协同发展仍需要深入探讨。法国卢瓦尔河谷世界遗产地是典型的区域性历史文化空间,曾经面临着区域遗产保护与地区发展的矛盾,但通过20 多年的保护与发展规划的实践,已实现了区域景观品质与城市发展管理相协调的愿景。本文通过解析法国卢瓦尔河谷保护与发展的规划和治理制度,为我国国土空间规划背景下区域性历史文化空间的规划和治理提供经验借鉴。


Spatial planning emphasizes the construction of historical culture and natural landscape network, continues the historical context and highlights the local characteristics. At the same time, regional historical and cultural resources such as cultural landscapes and cultural routes in the field of heritage conservation are also valued because of their unique values, but the overall protection and coordinated development of the regional historical and cultural spaces that they constitute should be discussed in depth. The Loire Valley World Heritage Site in France is a typical regional historical and cultural space, which once faced the contradiction between regional heritage protection and development. However, through more than 20 years of practical experience, the vision of coordination between regional landscape quality and urban development management has been obtained. Therefore, this paper analyzes the planning and governance system for the protection and development of the Loire Valley in France, and provides experience and reference for the identification, planning and construction of the protection and management mechanism of regional historical and cultural spaces under the background of China’s spatial planning.





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