2022年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.448
Three Scales and Planning Trends of 15-Minute Life Circle

钱征寒 刘泉 黄丁芳

Qian Zhenghan, Liu Quan, Huang Dingfang


Keywords:15-Minute Life Circle; Temporal Scale; Spatial Scale; Population Scale; Community; Smart City; Smart Community; Future Community




The definition of community unit scale involves three factors: temporal scale, spatial scale and population scale. In the past, community unit models such as neighborhood unit, residential district and neighborhood center, spatial scale and population scale play more important roles. The 15-minute life circle in current planning field is more concerned with the temporal scale of 15 minute. This makes the model focus on new characteristics, and also creates new problems in the definition of spatial scale. Therefore, it’s necessary to summarize the connotation and relationship of the three scales of 15-minute life circle. It finds that with the application of new technology, compared with the population scale in the modern urban planning period and the spatial scale in the New Urbanism period, the temporal scale in the 15-minute life circle in the development stage of smart city can fit the new characteristic of compression of time and space better, and has more scale value to adapt to technological changes, so it will be the new important scale of community unit planning, and bring new planning trend.






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