2022年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2022.322
Emergence of Local Governance Goal and Its Achievement: Transmission and Supervision in French Spatial Planning of Intercommunalité

范冬阳 李雯骐

Fan Dongyang, Li Wenqi


Keywords:Spatial Planning; Intercommunalité; France; Local Governance; Discourse Network of Planning; Transmission and Implementation Supervision




The Intercommunalité is a unique structure in the local governance in France, created for joint spatial governance of cities and towns. Nowadays, it is also the main body of local planning in France. The transmission and implementation of its regional and detailed plan reflect the emergence, concretization and realization of local governance goals in spatial planning. The formation of spatial governance goals of the Intercommunalité stems from both the requirements of superior plans, policies and special plans, and the horizontal coordination of local development demands, and the refinement and interpretation of their expression and structure diagram will be translated into key indicators, construction guidelines, action plans, etc. The legitimacy supervision of the state à priori, technical-self supervision of the autonomous institutions of the Intercommunalité, as well as supervision of social subjects’ rights defense according to the plan and the law assures the achievement of upmentioned local governance goals. The transmission and implementation of spatial planning of the Intercommunalité reflects the openness of French local planning governance in terms of action subject, spatial scope, the coherence and articulation between local regional and detailed planning and the whole discourse system of territorial spatial planning, providing experience for joint local planning and governance in China.





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