2022年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2022.316
From Spatial Planning to Environmental Planning: The Evolution of Planning Power Division in Dutch Planning System

乔艺波 罗震东

Qiao Yibo, Luo Zhendong


Keywords:Dutch; Spatial Planning; Environmental Planning; Planning Power; Evolution




Dutch spatial planning has the institutional genes of decentralized consultation to reach consensus. Reasonable division of planning power is the necessary institutional basis for Dutch spatial planning to shape good spatial quality. The similar characteristics of strong government intervention and tight land resource constraints make the division of planning power in the Dutch spatial planning system important for the institutional design of Chinese national spatial planning. From the perspective of the planning power enjoyed by all levels of government in the Netherlands, national planning and provincial planning have statutory mandatory powers on municipal planning on paper, but in practice it is not operable in the beginning and formation period of the spatial planning system (1902-1964). In the period of development and prosperity (1965-2007), the upper-level planning only played a guiding role. In essence, it fully delegated power to the municipal government, and then in the transition and transformation period (2008 to present). On the one hand, financial power are decentralized to the municipal government; on the other hand, the national and provincial spatial intervention capabilities are also reinforced. Overall, it reflects the characteristics of continuous changes in planning powers at all levels of government, increasingly extensive planning content, and generally continuous planning laws. The inspiration of the Dutch spatial planning practice to China is to rationally divide the planning power of governments at all levels, so that local governments can enjoy autonomous planning power. 






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