2022年第6期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2022.422
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Urban Planning and Governance for Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality

潘浩之 施睿 杨天人

Pan Haozhi, Shi Rui, Yang Tianren


Keywords:Urban Planning; Urban Governance; Carbon Peak; Carbon Neutrality; Carbon Emission; Artificial Intelligence




Cities are the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions in China, and are also the center of climate actions to implement various energy-saving and emission-reduction policies. It is urgent to formulate and implement carbon peak and carbon neutrality action plans at the city level. At present, there are three main difficulties in urban carbon emissions research: spatial nonlinearity, urban heterogeneity, and data availability. To address these three difficulties, this paper proposes a research framework for using artificial intelligence methods to analyze the relationship between urban spatial morphology evolution and carbon emissions, including machine learning, land use and spatial morphology evolution simulation, system coupling and bottom-up carbon emission calculation to support urban spatial planning. Through the cases of Chicago and Stockholm’s practices of spatial artificial intelligence in supporting city climate action plans, this paper demonstrates a spatial artificial intelligence model that integrates urban heterogeneity analysis, land use and spatial morphological evolution simulation, and carbon emission calculation at fine spatial granularity. Finally, suggestions for future research directions are proposed.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金(52000130),上海市教育委员会、上海市教育发展基金会“晨光 计划”项目(19CG77),上海市卫生健康委员会第五轮上海市加强公共卫生体系建 设三年行动计划项目(GWV-9.4)





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