2022年第6期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2022.428
基于雨洪管理模型和NSGA-II 算法的低影响开发设施空间布局优化 —— 以北京通州某住宅组团为例
The Spatial Optimization of LIDs Based on SWMM and NSGA-II Algorithm: A Case Study of a Residential Group in Tongzhou District, Beijing

陈龙 龙瀛

Chen Long, Long Ying

关键词:城市降雨径流;海绵城市;多目标优化;城市规划;低影响开发; 雨洪管理模型;NSGA-II 算法

Keywords:Urban Stormwater Runoff; Sponge City; Multi-objective Optimization; Urban Planning; Low Impact Development (LID); Storm Water Management Model (SWMM); NAGS-II Algorithm




As an important component of cities, the improvement of residential area’s stormwater system is of significance to sponge city construction. Although studies and discussions have been carried out by scholars around the world on low impact development (LID), but there is still lacking the comprehensive assessment and spatial optimization of the LID facilities. This paper focuses on the planning and spatial optimization of LID in a residential community in Tongzhou, Beijing. SWMM is selected as the monitoring tool, and NAGS-II algorithm is used for multi-objective optimization. By establishing the SWMM model of the community, the scale and location of the LID facilities are used as determinant variables, and the cost, flow volume and annual load of typical pollutants are calculated, analyzed, and compared. The approach could simulate and deliver pareto solutions for optimized layout of LID, which provides theoretical foundation and methodological reference for the comprehensive assessment of LID, and offers empirical evidence for urban planning under sponge city concept. This paper aims to improve the science and rationality of the comprehensive urban planning, and to solve the water problems faced by the city at this stage.





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