2022年第6期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.399
Comparison and Linkage of Thinking About Cognition and Design of Urban Morphology


Song Yacheng


Keywords:Urban Morphology; Urban Design; Pattern Recognition; Value-oriented; Digital Urban Design




The thinking logic of connecting morphological cognition and design is of fundamental significance for the establishment of scientific knowledge framework. This paper starts with the establishment logic of knowledge system of urban morphology and urban design, then the common characteristics for comparison are summarized. On this basis, from three aspects of pattern recognition, pattern operation, and linkage to reality, the differences of thinking logic between morphological cognition and form design are explained respectively. From the perspective of professional collaboration, time evolution and hierarchy transformation, three kinds of coherent thinking approaches are put forward. These approaches initially establish the linkage combination of urban morphology theory and design practices, also provide a solid and scientific foundation for the communication and interaction between urban design and other disciplines.




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