2022年第6期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.299
The Significances, Issues, and Challenges of Food Environment Research

彭科 刘建阳 李超骕

Peng Ke, Liu Jianyang, Li Chaosu


Keywords:Food Environment; Diet Quality; Food Desert; Food Swamp; Food Mirage; Food Purchase




The impact of food environment, and especially the impact of neighborhood food environment on diet quality suggest the necessity of intervening food environment research by spatial planning. Three important issues in the field of food environment research are proposed, which are food deserts caused by lack of access to fresh and healthy food, food swamp caused by excessive junk food, and food mirage related to food prices and freshness. Four types of challenges and opportunities confronted by the food environment are proposed too, which are interdisciplinary collaborative research on causal chain between food environment and diet quality, not putting too much faith in the market rationality, identifying spatial strategies to improve food enviomment, and self-protection of the food industry.

基金项目:湖南省自然科学基金面上项目(2020JJ4197),湖南省社科基金教育学专项课题项目(20YBJ04),2019 年湖南省社会科学成果评审委员会课题项目(XSP19YBZ121)





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