2022年第6期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2020.371
基于多元主体的城市绿地空间协作规划实施机制研究 —— 以奥地利维也纳都市花园为例
Research on the Implementation Mechanism of Urban Green Space Collaborative Planning with Multiple Stakeholders Based on the Urban Gardening Planning in Vienna, Austria

李帅 彭震伟

Li Shuai, Peng Zhenwei


Keywords:Collaborative Planning; Green Space; Multiple Stakeholders; Implementation Mechanism; Urban Gardening; Vienna


协作规划能有效协调城市绿地空间多元主体间的利益矛盾,例如奥地利维也纳都市花园协作规划经过近40 年发展已取得瞩目成绩。本文以维也纳都市花园协作规划为研究对象,通过实际调查与走访,聚焦其规划编制、实施、反馈的规划全过程,梳理其多元主体参与、灵活空间使用、多样价值实现的规划特征,进而解析其协作规划实施机制:(1)由行政部门、政府组织、专业团队和城市公众构成的多元主体在整个规划过程中的协作,保证规划的集体决策;(2)政府赋权协作组织形成协商平台,协调规划“自上而下”与“自下而上”流程;(3)采用“洋葱圈原则”,细化城市公众协作主体并解决各阶段核心议题;(4)在规划全过程拓宽公众参与途径,保障集体信息沟通,形成空间共治。最后本文在总结维也纳都市花园协作规划实施机制的基础上,尝试为我国城市绿地空间的协作式规划提供积极建议与参考。


Collaborative planning can effectively coordinate the interest conflicts among multiple stakeholders in urban green space. The collaborative planning of urban garden in Vienna of Austria is one of the examples and has made remarkable achievements through nearly 40 years’ development. This paper takes it as the case study and explores the whole planning process including planning preparation, implementation and feedback stages in the way of actual investigation and interview. It finds the features of collaborative planning, including multiple stakeholders’ participation, flexible space use and diversified value realization. Then it analyzes the implementation mechanism of this collaborative planning. Firstly, through the cooperation of government, government organizations, professional teams and urban public, the collective decision-making of planning is ensured. Secondly, the government empowers the cooperative organizations to form a negotiation platform to coordinate the “top-down” and “bottom-up” processes of planning. Thirdly, the“onion ring principle” is adopted to refine the cooperation members of urban public and to solve the core issues. Fourthly, the methods of public participation are broadened to ensure the collective information shared during the whole process. This paper summarizes the implementation mechanism of Vienna collaborative planning on urban gardening in the end, providing suggestions and references for Chinese urban green space planning in a collaborative way.





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