2023年第3期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.500
Enlightenment of Collaborative Urbanism in Brazil Slum Planning to the Governance of Urban Villages in China: A Case Study of Belo Horizonte

陈天 王佳煜 石川淼

Chen Tian, Wang Jiayu, Shi Chuanmiao


Keywords:Collaborative Urbanism; Slum; Inclusiveness; Urban Village; Belo Horizonte




With the in-depth development of urbanization and the promotion of urban regeneration, urban village governance has become a key problem. The slum governance process is analyzed by using the slum data and literature of the URBEL of Belo Horizonte. It can be divided into four stages: the tough governance of the federal government, the public's recapture of civil sovereignty, the upsurge of democratic participation in urban regeneration and the decline of the effectiveness of planning implementation. In the process of exploration, it has developed the governance model of collaborative urbanism, trying to bring social justice and environmental equity into the objectives of collaborative planning. Due to the long history and the load of social structure, the slums in Brazil cannot be effectively controlled for the time being. However, the case of Belo Horizonte reflects that the actively explores the slum governance path of the combination of planning policy and public participation, and the collaborative urbanism mode of dealing with the complex relationship between various stakeholders. It may provides experience for China's urban regeneration and urban village governance.






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