2023年第5期   DOI:10.19830/j.upi.2021.420
Research and Implications of Flexible Regulation of Floor-area Ratio in the Context of Urban Regeneration: A Case Study of Tokyo

卓健 周广坤

Zhuo Jian, Zhou Guangkun






In the context of urban regeneration, it is of strong practical significance to explore the technical method of flexible regulation of floor-area ratio (FAR). The development rights of land space within a certain range can be moderately and dynamically adjusted to promote urban development and spatial functions in the process of continuous urban regeneration. However, FAR flexible regulation should avoid excessive market orientation. Tokyo, Japan, as a model city of urban organic regeneration, has explored an urban system and FAR flexible regulation technique to optimize the distribution of costs and benefits under the condition of prioritizing the protection of public interests. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of Tokyo’s FAR flexible regulation from four aspects: institutional logic, technical process, accounting method, and planning practice. It summarizes four innovative points: (1) fully understanding the vital role of dynamic regulation of development rights for urban regeneration, and, on the premise of adhering to public interest orientation, introducing sustainable endogenous impetus for urban regeneration through perfect institutional design, and avoiding the drawbacks of excessive marketization; (2) comprehensively considering the diversification and differentiation of urban regeneration scenarios, mainly focusing on three types of scenarios: spatial growth, spatial restriction and spatial protection, and setting up differentiated technical standards and evaluating methods; (3) establishing a refined governance mechanism based on the functional use of building space, and guiding the application of FAR flexible regulation for appropriate functions; (4) developing a rigorous evaluating method for quantitative assessment of public interest contribution, which provides a precise definition of the relationship and boundary between the government and the market. The above innovations can provide scientific support for the construction of sustainable urban regulation implementation model in China.




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