DOI: 10.22217/upi.2019.514
Negative Planning: Everyday Life with Increased Urban Density

Wu Wenyuan

Keywords: Active Planning; Negative Planning; Existence Priority; Source Orientation; Urban Density; Social Connection


Urban planning is current intervention, even the renewal of the built-up area. We should realize the relationship between people and land accumulated in the daily state of the past when facing the urbanization process of agricultural land or wasteland. And it is necessary to be aware of the intervention on future daily use by current impacts. Based on this, the “negative planning” is proposed through the comparative study of urban practice cases, looks back on the realm of transcendental principles leading by the method of “active planning” under the rapid urbanization background in China in the past few decades, and replaces the vision orientation with the realization of starting point orientation. This paper summaries “negative planning” should be re-examined and considered as the planning and technical method of resource allocation. The increasing urban density during the process of achieving the planning blueprint should be confronted, which is formed by daily social cultural and economic activities. This research rethinks when planning is needed, and the specific practice can be completed through four operational principles: existence priority, maintenance cost priority, origin solution priority and flexible in existence priority. At its root, “negative planning” advocates to face two unavoidable themes with the spirit of seeking truth from facts: the relationship between man and nature, social differences and consensus.


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